Shane Paulsen


Shane grew up in Alaska, but left to attend college at Liberty University where he earned a degree in Youth Ministry. After college, the Lord brought him to North Carolina where he worked with Christian Cheerleaders of America doing camp ministries for the next 10 years.

Megan is originally from New Jersey and attended college at Nyack in New York where she earned her Elementary Education degree. The summer after she graduated college, Megan started working with the same camp ministry where she met Shane. Three years later, they were married and living in North Carolina.

They both began working at the Christian School in their city and serving in their church body – Shane as Children’s Pastor and Megan as Children’s Worship Leader. Although both of them loved their church, the kids in their ministry and the people in their life group, they never felt like North Carolina was “it” for them.

Several months later the call came from Alaska that there was an open position for a Children’s Pastor at Cornerstone Church. Through many obvious doors closing and only one opening, they obeyed the call to service and moved to Anchorage in October of 2010. Since moving to Alaska, their family has doubled with two sons - Caleb and Nathaniel.

Shane and Megan came with a heart for the unity of the body of believers in Anchorage; to serve Jesus and His Kingdom by growing leaders in the families of that body; and to disciple others to do the same. Although they love teaching and working with kids, they love even more seeing parents eagerly taking on the discipleship role in their homes.

After serving in the role of Children's Pastor at Cornerstone for nearly 9 years, Shane transitioned into the position of Administrative Pastor. So, if you call or visit the church, he will be the pastor who connects with you first.