Jonathan Carroll


Jonathan and Deborah started attending Cornerstone Church in July of 2015. Currently they host a life group that meets in their home. Both Jonathan and Deborah feel God’s call on their lives to pursue Him wherever He calls. To that end Jonathan, with the full support of Deborah, accepted the call to Eldership in 2019.

Deborah was born in Homer Alaska, and split her time between growing up in Alaska and Nebraska. Jonathan was born in Sacramento California where he spent the first 18 and half years of life. The United States Air Force brought Jonathan to Alaska in the summer of 1999 where he met Deborah and they were married in October of 2000.

Jonathan can’t remember the exact date that he was made alive in Christ but it was at an early age in life. Since then, Jonathan has been walking through the life long process of sanctification, seeing God purposefully work out his faith. Deborah was also saved at a young age and grew up knowing Christ and walking out her faith in obedience to God’s Word. She saw her faith and love for others grow when she went on a missions trip to Romania, in the Summer of 1999.

Jonathan and Deborah have been incredibly blessed with three children, Joy, Jubilee, and Christa, and they look forward to adding to their family in the near future.  They both feel incredibly blessed to be a part of the Cornerstone church body, and they welcome the blessing of serving the body as they pursue their Joy in Christ.