Anthony Brooks

Who Is Anthony Brooks?

Well howdy do!

Born and raised in Anchorage, AK. Been married 2 decades to the woman that is perfect for me and have 2 children, now almost full grown adults! I used to be an extrovert, life of the party, center of attention person who was quick to speak, slow to listen and had a medium to short fuse. The person of Christ has changed me into someone who is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger ( James 1:19 ) but now I feel like an introvert and don’t want to be the center of attention at any party. LOL I tend to be shy at first but then open up (maybe more than wanted) once you get to know me.


Here’s a hit list of things that either make me smile, get my heart racing, or well, both

Sharing the gospel. When sharing the gospel with someone, there is no greater feeling than watching the look on their face as the Spirit is working on their heart. The rush I get from watching God at work is exhilarating!

  1. Swinging a tennis racquet (doesn’t everyone feel that way)

  2. Tactical shooting and training

  3. Swinging a softball bat

  4. Doing wheelies on a sport bike

  5. Drinking espresso LOL

  6. Being on a river fishing, even though that’s all that happens because I’m awful at catching!

  7. And last but certainly not least, being in the presence of my wife and kids spending sweet time with them.