Garrett Davis

Who Is Garrett Davis?

I was born and raised in the southern Oregon area where I met my gorgeous bride Kaytlin when I was 13 years old before God brought us to Anchorage, AK. We have gotten to see God redeem our relationship from sin-filled darkness to a spring of His glory through sanctification and now have 3 amazing daughters and a son on the way! I am simply someone who has been forgiven much, and desire to bring my redeemer His glory, by serving and coming alongside the men at cornerstone in whatever way I can, to pursue Jesus and lift up His name.

5 random things about me:

  1. I am a passionate, wanna-be sheep hunter with zero success. However, the top of a mountain range always brings out an intense appreciation for my creator.

  2. I was a boxer, wrestler and mixed martial artist in a past life.

  3. I played football at the University of Oregon.

  4. I have a habit of crashing dirtbikes.

  5. My high school nickname was Gert.